Saturday, May 18, 2013

Kohen's Love - Italian Style

We read it today's Parsha about the ברכת כהנים, the priestly blessing recited in the Bais HaMikdosh. Interestingly, when the Kohanim recite a blessing over the Mitzvah (commandment) of giving the blessing, they mentioned that God commanded them to bless the nation with love. Many are puzzled by these words as we don't find any mention in the Torah of the need for love to be in the hearts of the Kohanim as they bless.
Rabbi Moshe Dovid Valley who lived in 18th Century Italy, explains in his commentary that we derive this from the fact that the Torah says אמור להם (Amor la'hem), say to them. He explains that the word Amor means love in Italian and is a hint to reciting the blessing with love.
He adds that this shouldn't strike you as bizzare as we find in a number of places that the Sages interpreted words in the Torah using foreign languages. He says this is because Hebrew is the Mother of all languages.

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