However, I have long believed that the Gemara utilizes the F-Word in one place. In Meseches Sanhedrin 101b the Gemara is explaining the etymology of the name ירבעם. It explain that he was given that name because שרבע עם. The commentaries of רש"י as well as the יד רמ"ה explain that it comes from a term meaning to crouch, and it is indicating that with his behavior and influence ירבעם caused the Jewish Nation to crouch before their enemies and to be vulnerable and to lack the strength to stand up to them (and perhaps to be afraid to stand up to him as well). About decade ago while studying this Gemara with a friend I felt this explanation to be unsatisfying, and despite not finding a support for my understanding it is pretty clear to me that what the Gemara is really saying is that ירבעם fucked the nation. The term רבע is used in places in the Chumash to indicate perverted sexual acts, and I believe that is how the Gemara wanted to describe the behavior of ירבעם as well. With his splitting of the Jewish Nation into two kingdoms, his refusal to allow those in the Northern Kingdom to go to Yerushalaim, his introduction of calf-worship and invention of new holidays, he fucked over the Jewish nation big time!
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