Monday, June 15, 2020

Different Folks

View of the crowd at the 13th “Siyum Hashas” of Daf Yomi at MetLife Stadium in New Jersey, Jan. 1, 2020. Photo by Moshe Gershbaum and Chaim Schwartz/Agudath Israel of America Archives.As I was preparing my shiur this morning I came upon something interesting which made me think a bit further. The Gemara says (ברכות נ"ח.) that if one sees a large crowd of Jewish people he should recite the Brocha ברוך חכם הרזים, Blessed is the one who knows the secrets of their hearts. The Gemara goes on to explain that this is something worth remarking about because even though people think differently and appear differently God still understands what each one is thinking.
The Sifsei Chachomim asks what is so wonderful about the fact that people think differently that our Sages saw fit to institute a Brocha about it. He answers that the fact that people are prepared to occupy different occupations, and commerce in general are both predicated on the fact that people think differently.
I would like to take his answer one step farther and point out that every single advancement in the history of mankind, social advancements, scientific advancements as well as religious and even advancements in Torah understanding have all been facilitated by the fact that people think differently. If everyone thought the same we would be stuck still in the very Dark Ages.

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