Monday, January 20, 2020

Daf Yomi Insights - Berachos 17

Image result for formation of childOne of the prayers mentioned on Daf 17, which we incorporate into our davening on Yom Kippur is, "My God, until I was formed, I was not worthy of being formed. And now that I have been formed, it is as if I was not formed."
Rav Kook explains as follows: Before I was formed, during the infinite time prior to my formation there was nothing in the world that needed me. Had anything required my existence I would have been created. That fact that I was not created until a particular moment is a sign that until that moment I was unworthy of being created and I wasn't needed until the moment of by formation. The time came when I was needed to complete something within existence. If I now dedicate my actions to the purpose for which I was created then I am worthy. But if my actions aren't focused on the performance of good, but to my personal gain and desires than I have not achieved my destiny and I am as unworthy created as I was when not-yet created.


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