Sunday, May 26, 2019

Adam's Rainbow

Many commentators understand that the distinction in the state of Adam before and after the Sin is that before the Sin he experienced the world as true and false, a binary approach, whereas subsequent to the Sin he was introduced into a world of good and bad, filled with gradations and uncertainties. Perhaps we can say that the binary approach is one that is more akin to the animal world, in which there are no value judgments being made, but everything is viewed through the lens of what is useful, or not (I am aware that studies have shown that some higher level primates, as well as perhaps dolphins and octopuses may engage in value judgments as well, if anything this support my thesis.) The Sin led to Adam changing from the animal way of existence to the one we recognize today as human. He went from seeing the world as black and white, to realizing and struggling with infinite gradations. I would suggest that this process was complete after ten generations when the Flood of Noah occurred. Perhaps when God conceded that man would always struggle with right and wrong, and mankind therefore needed His forgiveness, He chose the rainbow as the sign to show that man now lived in the 24-bit world of 16.7 million gradations of right and wrong.
This might also help shed some light on the evolution of man's relationship to the animal world that we see in Bereishis. Rashi tells us that Adam had sexual relations with all the animals in the process of naming them. However we are meant to understand this, literal or metaphorical, such a statement indicates that at that point Adam was, or thought he was, on the same level as the animals. Additionally, according to our Sages, Adam and his descendants were forbidden to eat or kill animals. By the time we get to the story of Noach man is no longer the equal of the animals, but he is still taking responsibility for the entirety of the animal kingdom and dwelling with them. It is only after the Flood that the evolution of mankind is complete
and man is separate from the animal world that we find animals being treated as property and food.

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