Monday, April 28, 2014

Sterling Character & Snyder Remarks

The media has been all abuzz the last few days about the allegations of racist comments from Donald Sterling, owner of the Los Angeles Clippers. This is not the only racial controversy currently at the forefront of sports-fans consciousness. The owner of the Washington Redskins, Daniel Snyder, has been under increasing fire for refusing to change his team's name which is offensive to Native Americans.
From my perspective the common thread connecting these two people is that they are both Jewish. No, I do not think it is their Judaism which makes them act in a manner that many find repugnant, but I focus on this as it is to me a source of embarrassment to see fellow Jews acting in such a manner.
Many Jews are observing Holocaust Memorial day today. It is baffling to me how any Jew, especially one such as Sterling who is old enough to remember the Holocaust, can possibly act in a manner such as this. We, as a nation, are so aware of the dangers of racism, how can we act towards other in this manner?
What I must keep in mind, however, is that neither Mr Sterling or Mr Snyder are interested in my opinion. I can write as much as I like on this topic and it will not influence either of them. The real challenge when faced with such a situation is to apply the lesson to myself.
It is very easy when analyzing current events to opine about the behaviors of others and to suggest what we think they should do. But that contributes nothing to the enhancement of this world. Whenever God brings us awareness of an issue, it is always for us to see how we can use what we heard to improve ourselves.
So I ask myself the question: How do I view others? How do I treat those who are different than I am?

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