Thursday, November 07, 2013


The Zohar teaches that when Dovid HaMelech was pouring out his heart to Hashem about the difficulties he was enduring,  he said to himself, "Should I only be crying to Hashem? I should be making Him happy as well!" Immediately, he stopped crying, pulled out his harp, sang and then danced with wild abandon as an expression of his closeness to Hashem.
Dovid was the spiritual inheritor of Aadam. Just as Adam incorporated all of mankind, so, too, Dovid was a microcosm of mankind. This is why the Navi speaks of him so extensively. Everything he underwent is representative of the suffering of the entire Jewish Nation.
Just as Dovid devoted himself to praise before Hashem,  so too, each one of us, no matter what we are undergoing, should find room to praise Hashem,  even more than we are making requests of Him.

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