Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Alone or with Others?

ויגש אליו יהודה And Yehudah approached him (Yosef). The Zohar explains that this was a meeting of two disparate worlds that now began to unite together to become as one. Yehudah and Yosef each represent Malchus, the monarchy of Klal Yisroel, but each in their own way. Those distinctions had caused the terrible error which had led to Yosef's sale. The rectification only came about because Yehudah was ready to put his differences aside, real as they were, and approach his brother.
What are the distinctions between them? Yosef represents the ability to serve God as an individual without the assistance of others. To be one's unique self. To find one's own path in service of God. To go against the tide if there are no others walking down the same path. To not have focus on how others are, or are not, gaining from one's own efforts.
Yehudah, as personified by Dovid HaMelech, represents serving God as part of a community. Living one's life in accordance with communal standards, associating with others in one's service of God, and always being cognizant of the ramifications of one's own behaviors on those who are around him.
There are times that we need to take one approach in our lives, at other times the other. More often we need a synthesis, to recognize where, when and how to apply each.

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